Dear Praying Friends,

There were 3 Very Moving Hymns that melt our hearts & brought tears to our eyes: When I Survey The Wondrous Cross, Alas and Did My Saviour Bleed & today we will share on


This was the Great Theme Song of the IRISH REVIVAL Of 1859 when the Holy Spirit Swept hundred thousands Souls into His Glorious Kingdom

  1. There is a fountain filled with blood,
    Drawn from Immanuel’s veins,
    And sinners plunged beneath that flood
    Lose all their guilty stains:
  2. The dying thief rejoiced to see
    That fountain in His day;
    And there have I, though vile as he,
    Washed all my sins away:
  3. Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood
    Shall never lose its pow’r,
    Till all the ransomed church of God
    Are safe, to sin no more:
  4. E’er since by faith I saw the stream
    Thy flowing wounds supply,
    Redeeming love has been my theme,
    And shall be till I die:
  5. When this poor, lisping, stamm’ring tongue
    Lies silent in the grave,
    Then in a nobler, sweeter song,
    I’ll sing Thy pow’r to save

6. LORD I believe Thou hast prepared

Unworthy though I be

For me a Blood-bought free reward

A golden harp for me

7. Tis Strung & tuned for endless years

And formed by power divine

To sound in God the Father’s ears

No other Name but Thine.



I do believe I will believe that Jesus died for me

That on the Cross He shed His Blood

From sin to set me free.


“In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness.” (Zechariah 13:1)

The Doctrine of Blood Atonement for sin started in the Garden of Eden when God killed an animal to use the Coat of skins as covering for Adam & Eve

And that Lamb was a Type of Jesus being our Sacrificial Lamb

God in His infinite Grace Has Ordained Jesus to Shed His Precious Blood to Wash Away all the Trillion & Zillion Sins of Mankind in His Most Holy & Precious Blood on the Cross of Calvary

Read again God’s precious Promise

“In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness.” (Zechariah 13:1)

  1. There is a fountain filled with blood,
    Drawn from Immanuel’s veins,
    And sinners plunged beneath that flood
    Lose all their guilty stains:

The fountain filled with Blood was drawn from Immanuel’s veins

“Immanuel” is a compound of Two Words ImMANuel with the word “MAN”

So Jesus was incarnated to be MAN the VERY MAN

ImmanuEL has the word “EL” which stands for GOD

So Jesus is GOD the VERY GOD

No other one like Jesus Christ born pure without sin by Virgin Birth

Being sinless & pure Jesus Christ was offered as A Sin Sacrifice for All Mankind




  1. The dying thief rejoiced to see
    That fountain in His day;
    And there have I, though vile as he,
    Washed all my sins away:

Through all ancient times Men have put their hands on Lambs head as a type of their sins being passover till the Actual Crucifixion of Christ

And here we read

  1. The dying thief rejoiced to see
    That fountain in His day;

Amazing condescension! Jesus was crucified between two thieves. And by the grace of God one thief repented & believed

He saw that Fountain in his day!

There was a day, time & place when Jesus was crucified for our sins.

And that place was and is Calvary two thousand years ago

And there may I though while as he, washed all my sins away.

Yes Christian Faith rest on the history fact that Jesus died & paid for all our sins once for all on Calvary’s Cross  more than 2,000 years

And THERE may I. Yes go THERE! Go to CALVARY By FAITH!


  1. Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood
    Shall never lose its pow’r,
    Till all the ransomed church of God
    Are safe, to sin no more:

So salvation is a fact of history. And it is a PERSONAL EXPERIENCE : And there MAY I

Once a person is genuinely saved he has a compelling love to win all others


  1. Till all the ransomed church of God
    Are safe, to sin no more:

Till ALL the Ransomed Church of God




Salvation is the most Precious Experience in this Life


  1. E’er since by faith I saw the stream
    Thy flowing wounds supply,
    Redeeming love has been my theme,
    And shall be till I die:

The Prince of Preacher: Charles Haddon Spurgeon has these two Stanzas inscribed on his Tombstome


  1. E’er since by faith I saw the stream
    Thy flowing wounds supply,
    Redeeming love has been my theme,
    And shall be till I die:
  2. When this poor, lisping, stamm’ring tongue
    Lies silent in the grave,
    Then in a nobler, sweeter song,
    I’ll sing Thy pow’r to save

Charles Spurgeon as a young man

Charles Spurgeon as a young man

Charles Spurgeon was one of the most prominent preachers and powerful heralds of the Christian Gospel in the history of the Church. The account of Spurgeon’s own conversion is both fascinating and instructive.

From the time he was just a child Charles Spurgeon was heavily burdened by an awareness of his own sinfulness.  Throughout several boyhood years he was constantly conscious that in both thoughts and actions he was unable to fulfill the requirements of God’s holy laws.  Though he knew Christ had died for the sins of human beings, he saw no application of that truth to himself.  He tried to pray, but the only complete request he could utter was, “God be merciful to me, a sinner!”

Though he had never uttered a blasphemy, all manner of cursing God and man began to fill his mind.  Then followed severe temptations to deny the very existence of God as well as efforts to convince himself he was an atheist.  When all such futile thinking failed, he told himself that he must feel or do something to merit salvation.  He wished he might have his back scourged or that he could undergo some difficult pilgrimage to that end.

In 1849, at age fifteen, he entered a school in the town of Newmarket in Essex County, England, as both a student and a part-time teacher.  In Newmarket he attended services at one church after another, hoping he might hear something that would help remove his spiritual burden.  He later related that, while he heard pastors preach on a variety of themes, they did not address his basic spiritual question and need. “What I wanted to know was, ‘How can I get my sins forgiven?’, and they never told me that.”

That December an outbreak of fever temporarily closed the Newmarket school, and Spurgeon returned home to Colchester for the Christmas season.  One Sunday morning early in January he was making his way to one church when a fierce snow storm led him, instead, to enter the Primitive Methodist Chapel located closer to his home.  Only about a dozen people were there that morning, and he took a seat near the back, under the gallery.

The regular minister had not been able to make it due to the storm.  So when it was time for the sermon a thin man whom Spurgeon supposed to be a shoemaker or a tailor went up to the pulpit.  He announced and read the Scripture text for his impromptu sermon, Isaiah 45:22: “Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth.”   The man obviously had little formal education, and he mispronounced some of his words.  But that did not matter to Spurgeon, for upon hearing the Bible verse he thought it contained a glimmer of hope for him.

The lay preacher began to deliver a homespun discourse in his broad Essex dialect: “This is a very simple text indeed.  It says, ‘Look.’  Now lookin’ don’t take a deal of pain.  It ain’t liftin’ your foot or your finger; it is just ‘Look.’  Well, a man needn’t go to college to learn to look.  You may be the biggest fool, and yet you can look.  A man needn’t be worth a thousand pounds a year to look.  Anyone can look; even a child can look.

“But then the text says, ‘Look unto Me.’ Ay! many on ye are lookin’ to yourselves, but it’s no use lookin’ there.  You’ll never find any comfort in yourselves.  Some say look to God the Father. No, look to Him by-and-by.  Jesus Christ says, “Look unto Me.”  Some on ye say, “We must wait for the Spirit’s workin.” You have no business with that just now.  Look to Christ.  The text says, ‘Look unto Me.’ ”

Charles Spurgeon preaching as a young man

Charles Spurgeon preaching as a young man

Assuming the perspective of Jesus, the preacher continued: “Look unto Me; I am sweatin’ great drops of blood. Look unto Me; I am hangin’ on the cross.  Look unto Me, I am dead and buried.  Look unto Me; I rise again. Look unto Me; I ascend to Heaven. Look unto Me; I am sitting at the Father’s right hand. O poor sinner, look unto Me! Look unto Me!”

After he had spoken for about ten minutes, the layman apparently reached the end of his tether.  Then, fixing his eyes on Spurgeon, he startled him by saying, “Young man, you look very miserable.  And you will always be miserable—miserable in life and miserable in death—if you don’t obey my text.  But if you obey now, this moment, you will be saved.”  Then raising his hands, he literally shouted: “Young man, look to Jesus Christ.  Look!  Look!  Look!  You have nothing to do but look and live!”

Far from taking offense at being singled out, Spurgeon at once saw the way of salvation.  He hardly noticed anything the lay exhorter said after that, so taken was he with that one thought: “I had been waiting to do fifty things, but when I heard that word—‘Look!’—what a charming word it seemed to me. … There and then the cloud was gone, the darkness had rolled away, and that moment I saw the sun.  And I could have risen that instant, and sung with the most enthusiastic of them, of the precious blood of Christ, and the simple faith which looks alone to Him.  Oh, that somebody had told me this before, ‘Trust Christ, and you shall be saved.’ ”

When Spurgeon arrived back home early that afternoon, his family immediately noticed the dramatic change that had come over him.  His despair was gone, and he was overflowing with joy.  “Something wonderful has happened to you!” they exclaimed.  And he was only too eager to tell them all about it.  “Oh! there was joy in the household that day,” he afterward reported, “when all heard that the eldest son had found the Savior and knew himself to be forgiven.”


6. LORD I believe Thou hast prepared

Unworthy though I be

For me a Blood-bought free reward

A golden harp for me

7. Tis Strung & tuned for endless years

And formed by power divine

To sound in God the Father’s ears

No other Name but Thine.

Spurgeon said God would have taken us all to heaven the moment we got saved but God is leaving us here to perfect & tune our lives by testing and tuning on earth

Eventually we will all be molded and ready for His Heavenly Home

The harp is the equivalent to the modern day piano

And we shall Sound for All Eternity to All Eternity the Precious Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world


King James Bible  (revelation 13:8)
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 



Amen & Amen!

Brethren Please Pray for God’s Anointing Power






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